Implants offer an effective solution for restoring oral form and function with benefits that can last a lifetime.

Thinking of Dental Implants? Get in touch now to book in your initial consult to learn more and have a chat with Dr.Garg about your options.

Essentially, a dental implant is a bio-compatible titanium post that is placed in the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. It is designed to fuse with the jawbone and become a permanent fixture. A dental implant looks just like a small screw with a natural looking prosthetic crown attached to visible area of the implant.

Not only are dental implants aesthetically pleasing, they feel just like a natural tooth. They are beneficial to your diet as foods that previously could not be consumed due to discomfort can now be enjoyed!

Implants help protect and maintain your bone structure – they do this by supporting your facial tissues and providing structure to the jaw thereby reducing or eliminating loss of bone, facial shrinkage and abnormal cosmetic changes.

A dental implant is made from biocompatible titanium, which is placed directly into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. It is especially designed to fuse with the jawbone and become a permanent fixture within the mouth. A porcelain crown is attached to the implant so that the visible part looks just like a natural tooth.

It is extremely rare for dental implants to fall out – under 1-2% fail rate.

In fact, a dental implant is designed to fuse with the jawbone and become a permanent fixture. When the implant has been surgically implanted into the jawbone, it heals and fuses with the bone over a period of a few months.

Once an implant has fused with the jawbone, it should feel secure — just like a natural tooth.

Once surgically inserted into the bone, it will heal and fuse with the bone over a period of between 3 and 6 months.

While many people are suitable candidates for dental implant surgery, not everyone can get an implant.

It is best to book in a consult and Dr.Garg will be able to examine and discuss your suitability for having an implant.

It is best to stick to a liquid diet immediately following dental implant surgery.

Avoid foods and drinks that are too hot during this time, as the heat can irritate your mouth while it heals. Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and aid recovery, and try lukewarm soups and broths, smoothies and soft puddings.

Once your mouth begins to heal, you can begin to eat soft foods. Options like soft fruits, steamed vegetables, tofu, soft meats, yoghurt, oatmeal, cottage cheese, and scrambled eggs are all easy to chew and will provide you with nutrients while you heal.